
HLA Typing Kits

HLA Gene Detection Kits

Brief Introduction

Human leucocyte antigens (HLA) are glycoproteins on the surface of almost every cell in the body. HLA testing is essential for finding compatible donors and recipients for stem cell or organ transplantation and for diagnosing some autoimmune or inflammatory diseases associated with specific HLA types. HLA testing can include matching transplant recipients to suitable stem cell or organ transplant donors, detecting antibodies to HLA antigens that may lead to graft rejection or platelet transfusion failure, and identifying certain HLA types associated with increased risk or protection from disease.

CD Genomics has extensive knowledge in PCR assays and we offer HLA assay kits to help clients analyze genetic variation in specific proteins on the cell surface as a means of predicting drug hypersensitivity reactions.

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Product Name Cat. No. Size Features
CD Human HLA-B 5801 Drug Hypersensitivity Gene Detection Kit RTPK073 25 tests

Target Gene: Human HLA-B*5801 Gene
Sensitivity: 1 ng/μL
Precision: ≤ 5%
Product Features:

  • High Sensitivity -The limit of detection is up to 1 ng/μL
  • Internal Control -The use of internal control system in the kit can effectively prevent false negative results
  • High Precision -The precision values of intra and inter Ct values are all ≤ 5%
  • User-friendly -Widely applicable in instruments with FAM, HEX/VIC, Cy5 fluorescence channels
  • More Accessible -CE marked, accessible for more countries

For more information about HLA gene detection products or need other requirements, please contact us.

* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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