
Monkeypox Pseudovirus Reference Products

Current Status of Monkeypox Pseudovirus Testing

Monkeypox Pseudovirus Reference Products

Monkeypox is a rare viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus and is similar to human smallpox. Monkeypox symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue. A rash then appears and develops into pustules, which then crust over and fall off, leaving scars. Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals or through close contact with infected humans. There is no specific treatment for this disease and an experimental monkeypox vaccine is being developed. A pseudovirus neutralization assay (pVNA) can be used to test for the presence of antibodies against the virus that causes monkeypox.

CD Genomics offers a wide range of monkeypox virus nucleic acid assay reference products to assist you in evaluating the effectiveness of monkeypox vaccines, detecting individuals previously infected with monkeypox, and screening for potential treatments for monkeypox.

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Monkeypox Pseudovirus Reference Products Details

Our technical team develops monkeypox nucleic acid assay reference products for the development, validation, and quality control of monkeypox pVNA. We use Monkeypox, Cowpox and Smallpox pseudoviruses as raw materials and prepare the desired pseudovirus reference by dilution with Tris-EDTA solution.

Product Highlights

  • More comprehensive target area coverage and wider adaptability.
  • Accurate viral genome copy number calibration by digital PCR after sample extraction.
  • Reliable quality assurance system.


  • For performance verification and production quality control of monkeypox virus nucleic acid test kits.
  • For indoor quality control of monkeypox virus nucleic acid assays and monitoring the precision of the assay process.


(1) Thawing of the pseudovirus: Take the pseudovirus out of the -20°C refrigerator and let it thaw naturally at 4°C. After it is completely melted, perform relevant experimental operations;

(2) If you need to dilute this product, you can use Tris-EDTA or enzyme-free water for dilution;

(3) Quality control products are regarded as clinical samples, and subsequent operations are carried out in accordance with the same nucleic acid extraction and PCR procedures as clinical samples;

(4) The dissolved quality control product should be stored at 2-8°C, it is recommended to use it as soon as possible, and it is not allowed to freeze and thaw repeatedly.

Product Categories

Monkeypox pseudovirus positive reference products:

  • Monkeypox virus F3L-F4L multigene fragment
  • Monkeypox virus B6R-B7R-J2R polygenic fragment
  • Monkeypox virus D14L-D15L polygenic fragment

Monkeypox pseudovirus negative reference products:

  • Bovine pox virus F3L-F4L polygenic fragment
  • Smallpox virus E3L-E4L polygenic fragment
* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.

Explore Our Monkeypox Pseudovirus Reference Products:

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Cat. No. Product Name Brief Description Inquiry Basket
MSR003 CD Monkeypox Virus F3L-F4L Multigene Pseudovirus Reference CD Monkeypox Virus F3L-F4L Multigene Pseudovirus Reference is made from monkeypox (Monkeypox), cowpox (Cowpox) and smallpox (Smallpox) pseudoviruses and is prepared by diluting with Tris-EDTA solution to form the required reference.
MSR004 CD Monkeypox Virus B6R-B7R-J2R Multigene Pseudovirus Reference CD Monkeypox Virus B6R-B7R-J2R Multigene Pseudovirus Reference is made from monkeypox (Monkeypox), cowpox (Cowpox) and smallpox (Smallpox) pseudoviruses and is prepared by diluting with Tris-EDTA solution to form the required reference.
MSR005 CD Monkeypox Virus D14L-D15 Multigene Pseudovirus Reference CD Monkeypox Virus D14L-D15 Multigene Pseudovirus Reference is made from monkeypox (Monkeypox), cowpox (Cowpox) and smallpox (Smallpox) pseudoviruses and is prepared by diluting with Tris-EDTA solution to form the required reference.
MSR006 CD Cowpox Virus F3L-F4L Multigene Pseudovirus Reference CD Cowpox Virus F3L-F4L Multigene Pseudovirus Reference is made from monkeypox (Monkeypox), cowpox (Cowpox) and smallpox (Smallpox) pseudoviruses and is prepared by diluting with Tris-EDTA solution to form the required reference.
MSR007 CD Smallpox Virus E3L-E4L Multigene Pseudovirus Reference CD Smallpox Virus E3L-E4L Multigene Pseudovirus Reference is made from monkeypox (Monkeypox), cowpox (Cowpox) and smallpox (Smallpox) pseudoviruses and is prepared by diluting with Tris-EDTA solution to form the required reference.
MSR008 CD Monkeypox Positive Reference Material CD Monkeypox Positive Reference Material is specifically designed for use with test methods capable of detecting the Monkeypox virus, the causative agent of Monkeypox disease, containing recombinant virus particles with sequences corresponding to J2R (G2R_G), F8L (E9L-NVAR), F3L (MPXV_F3L), and N3R of the virus genome.
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