
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Reference Products

Current Status of NIPT Research

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing NIPT Reference Products

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a screening test offered during pregnancy and is commonly used to determine the risk of a fetus being born with certain genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, and disorders affecting the sex chromosomes (X and Y). The test analyzes small DNA fragments circulating in the blood of pregnant women and is also known as a cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screen. There must be enough fetal cfDNA in the mother's blood to identify fetal chromosomal abnormalities. It is important to note that this screening test only estimates the likelihood that the fetus has a specific disorder and does not diagnose the condition. There are several NIPT methods available to analyze fetal cfDNA, the most common method is to count all cfDNA fragments (fetal and maternal) to predict risk.

CD Genomics offers a wide range of NIPT reference products to help you screen for the most common fetal aneuploidies, other autosomal and sex chromosome aneuploidies, as well as some microdeletions, large copy number variants and monogenic disorders.

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Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Reference Products Details

NIPT is one of the fastest growing pregnancy screening tests due to its superior sensitivity and is widely adopted by clinical laboratories worldwide. We develop reliable NIPT reference products for monitoring the process quality control of sample extraction, library preparation and up-sequencing of NIPT kits.

Our NIPT reference products use human-derived cell line-derived gDNA as raw material, which can highly mimic real clinical samples by fragmentation and incorporation into human-derived plasma. They are widely used by various laboratories for cfDNA testing of pregnant women by genome-wide methods.


Our NIPT reference products are derived from human-derived cell lines.

Product Highlights

  • Customized patient reproductive health reference portfolio.
  • Enables quality control of the entire NIPT process from the extraction step.
  • Applicable platforms include sequencing-by-synthesis, nanosphere sequencing and semiconductor sequencing.
  • Wide coverage.
  • CNV size covers 2~30Mb, suitable for performance validation of NIPT processes.
  • By controlling the incorporation of fragmented DNA to set the fetal ratio, the product detects chromosomal abnormality location and CNV size by NGS quality control and quantifies fetal concentration.


  • Evaluate the stability of NIPT assays and analytical processes.
  • Negative/positive reference for NIPT kits.
  • Methodological comparison, including synthesis-by-sequencing, nanosphere sequencing and semiconductor sequencing.

Product Categories

Types of chromosomal abnormalities for which customizable NIPT reference products are available:

  • Common chromosomal aneuploidy: T21/T13/T18.
  • Rare chromosomal aneuploidy: T9/T15.
  • Sex chromosome aneuploidy: 45, XO/47, XXY/47, XYY.
  • Common clinical types of CNV: 22q11 deletion, 1p36 deletion and 15q deletion, etc.
* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.

Explore Our Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Reference Products:

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Cat. No. Product Name Brief Description Inquiry Basket
NIPTR001 CD T21 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T21 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR002 CD T21 5% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T21 5% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR003 CD T21 3.5% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T21 3.5% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR004 CD T13 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T13 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR005 CD T13 5% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T13 5% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR006 CD T13 3.5% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T13 3.5% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR007 CD T18 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T18 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR008 CD T18 5% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T18 5% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR009 CD T18 3.5% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD T18 3.5% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
NIPTR010 CD 1p36 Missing 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference CD 1p36 Missing 10% cfDNA Plasma Reference is suitable for the detection of free DNA (cfDNA) in the peripheral blood of pregnant women by the massive-parallel sequencing MPS.
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