
Non-NGS Panel

CD Genomics is a professional sequencing company with extensive experience in detecting genetic mutations. We can provide a variety of technologies for you to choose to accelerate your research on disease research, biomarker discovery, targeted drug development and more. Combining the characteristics of each technology, we can detect SNPs, indels, copy number variations, or DNA methylation.

CD Genomics offers the following four non-NGS mutation detection services, including MassARRAY, Mulitiplex Snapshot, MLPA, and ARMS-PCR. You can tell us which genes or gene loci need to be measured to customize your own mutation detection panel.

We can also use NGS technology to detect mutations in target genes. Learn about our Custom NGS Panel.

Don't know which technology to choose? You can use the table below to understand the differences between the technologies.

Types Target NGS Sequencing MassARRAY Mulitiplex Snapshot MLPA ARMS-PCR
Detection type
  • SNPs
  • INDELs
  • Gene fusions
  • CNVs
  • Identify new sequence mutations
  • Identify low-frequency mutations
  • SNPs
  • DNA methylation
  • Gene expression
  • Sequence alignment
  • Known sequence variations
  • Small rearrangements
  • Large-scale chromosomal rearrangements
  • Copy number changes
  • Chromosome aneuploidy changes quantification of methylation
  • mRNA analysis of apoptosis and inflammatory response
Detection of known SNPs
Throughput High-throughput Medium to high throughput Medium-throughput High-throughput Low-throughput
More suitable for targeted sequencing of more than 20 samples The method allows multiple tests of 384 samples on a single chip, up to 40 reactions per well, and up to 100,000 genotypes per day Interrogates up to 30 SNPs simultaneously in a single reaction A single reaction can detect copy number changes of 45-50 nucleic acid sequences, and 96 samples can be processed simultaneously Detection of 1 SNP site in a single reaction
Characteristics Detects unknown sequences and more new mutations, effectively detecting low-frequency mutations No minimum sample size required for a single test; cheap, no need to order special fluorescent probes; flexible and efficient Fast and cheap; experiments can be supplemented at a lower cost Large genome rearrangements can be detected; Often in combination with other techniques to detect genes Fast; Homozygotes and heterozygotes can be detected; It is widely used to detect single gene point mutation in sickle cell anemia and thalassemia
Price +++* + + + +

* A large sample size makes the price more economical.

Why choose us?

  • We are a professional team with 16 years of experience in sequencing.
  • We have advanced equipment, such as ABI PRISM 3700 DNA Analyzer and, and rich experience in sequencing.
  • We can recommend the appropriate technology for gene targeted detection based on your sample size, needs and budget.
  • For non-NGS technology, we can quickly design primers or probes for determination. The accumulation of each measurement ensures a shorter turnaround time.
  • Comprehensive quality control and verification to ensure the accuracy of your results.
  • Competitive and affordable price.

Sample requirements

Types Target NGS Sequencing MassARRAY Mulitiplex Snapshot MLPA ARMS-PCR
Sample types
  • Tissue samples
  • gDNA
  • Blood
  • FFPE tissue
  • Tissue samples
  • Culture cells in vitro
  • gDNA
  • Whole blood
  • FFPE tissue
  • Tissue samples
  • Culture cells in vitro
  • gDNA
  • Whole blood
  • FFPE tissue
  • Tissue samples
  • Culture cells in vitro
  • gDNA
  • Whole blood
  • FFPE tissue
  • Tissue samples
  • Culture cells in vitro
  • gDNA
  • Whole blood
  • FFPE tissue
DNA Concentration ≥20 ng/ul 20-50 ng/µL ≥20 ng/ul ≥20 ng/ul 20-50 ng/µL
DNA Volume ≥15ul ≥15 µL ≥50ul ≥50ul ≥15 µL
Total DNA ≥1μg ≥1μg ≥1μg ≥1μg ≥1μg
Blood Sample ≥1mL whole blood ≥0.5mL whole blood ≥0.5mL whole blood ≥0.5mL whole blood ≥0.5mL whole blood
Tissue Sample - Tissue volume ≥100mg Provide enough material to extract more than 2ug of DNA Tissue volume ≥100mg Tissue volume ≥100mg
Culture Cells In Vitro - ≥106 cells ≥106 cells ≥106 cells ≥106 cells
DNA Purity OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0, no degradation or RNA contamination OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0, no degradation or RNA contamination OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0, no degradation or RNA contamination, no PCR inhibitors OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0, no degradation or RNA contamination, no PCR inhibitors OD260/280 = 1.7~2.0, no degradation or RNA contamination
Preservation Methods Low temperatures during transportation Low temperatures during transportation Low temperatures during transportation Low temperatures during transportation Low temperatures during transportation


Want to know more about non-NGS Panel? Please contact us, we will be happy to get in touch with you.

* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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  • * For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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