
CD Monkeypox Virus D14L-D15 Multigene Pseudovirus Reference



Product Infomation
Product Description: CD Monkeypox Virus D14L-D15 Multigene Pseudovirus Reference is made from monkeypox (Monkeypox), cowpox (Cowpox) and smallpox (Smallpox) pseudoviruses and is prepared by diluting with Tris-EDTA solution to form the required reference.
The product contains Monkeypox positive reference and negative reference, including positive reference: Monkeypox virus F3L-F4L, B6R-B7R-J2R, D14L-D15L tandem gene fragment. The negative references include: bovine pox virus F3L-F4L tandem gene fragment, smallpox virus E3L-E4L tandem gene fragment.
Features: Target region: D14L-D15L whole gene.
Copy number concentration: ≥1×105 copies/mL.
Method: Quality control Reference: Burroughs QX200 ddPCR, ≥1×105 copies/mL
Sample Type: Pseudovirus solution
Application: •For performance verification and production quality control of monkeypox virus nucleic acid assay kits.
•Indoor quality control of monkeypox virus nucleic acid assay, monitoring the precision of the assay process.
Storage: Store at -20℃, 12 months.
ShippingCondition: Dry ice transport
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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